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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Expectations for 2009 - Stocks , Economy

As the year comes to an end with hope and despair, world over people are still expecting that there is recovery and Bulls returning to World Stock Markets. Economies all over world are reeling under impact of global recession which is causing havoc and now it is having a ripple effect.

So called Big Economies and JUMBO Economies like America have started to reel and is in recession and it will go to a full fledged recession next year. More bankruptcies and Bailouts will rule the year for America .

As far as Indian economy, markets need cheer from RBI / Rate cuts and most important CRR/SLR rate cuts. Banks also need to minimize the damage done to markets by reducing interest rates and also reduce the burdened MIDDLE CLASS as far as HOME LOANS are concerned .

As Udayan Mukherjee, CNBC TV18 Stocks Editor , remarked there is going to be RANGE BOUND rallies and UP TRENDS but not a relief like the Bulls in full swing  but a staggered BULL RUN.

Look forward to see BULLS returning to tame the BEARS and also the NEW OBAMA government and the world economies learn and implement precautionary measures and relief packages to hurt economies by respective governments. Japan has already indicated a downtrend in industrial output and it is a cause of concern as India too need to increase its industrial output and bring down the inflation.

Happy New Year and a great weekend

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